
Who am I

My name is Anton Skliar. I was born in Ukraine, currently living in Canada. I'm a Christian, happy husband and father of 3 amazingly different kids, and a software development leader with a wide spectrum of experience.

I started coding more than 25 years ago, during my school years, taking part in national contests as well as building end-user applications. My career started right after school, first as a system administrator at school, then as a Flash developer building interactive online courses and games.

In 2009, I co-founded a fully remote e-learning company called Learn & Solve that created all sorts of interactive learning content for kids and professionals. And since 2017 I've been growing as a part of AIR Media-Tech which is a market disruptor in the video creator economy: went all the way from marketing web developer to CTO of a multi-faceted software platform that empowers thousands of creators across the world.

What should you expect from this blog

Life-hacks, ideas and thoughts about productivity

The privilege (and the challenge) of being a business co-founder, as well as CTO of a diverse and fast-paced company, is that at some point you wear all the hats you've never imagined you'd be wearing, and you need to learn to embrace innovative approaches. Over the years, I gained valuable experience as a software developer, architect, problem solver, project manager, negotiator, marketer, technical product manager, and even content creator.

Along the way, I’ve explored countless tools and methodologies, various app ecosystems and approaches, empowering myself and the teams that I've been working with to work smarter and achieve their goals efficiently. It’s this deep-seated passion for technology and its efficient usage for productivity and peace of mind that I wish to share with you: my lessons learned, best practices, insights, and also tools and integrations that I've built myself. I hope that all of these can help you excel in your own projects and goals, whether personal or professional.

Worldview and mindset

My journey is not solely about hacking productivity and building software. I'm deeply convinced that our worldview is crucial in shaping our approach to life and work, our attitude to the circumstances and happenstances, our motivation and interpretation. And this is true for every area of our life — from household to parenthood, from faith to education, from our jobs to side hustles, from the way that we organize ourselves to the way that we lead other people.

Christianity has impacted my worldview more than anything in my life. It gave me a new, more mature, complex and nuanced view on my job, ministry, family, parenthood, self-portrait, values, dreams, and longings. My love for software development in particular has been deeply rooted in the understanding that I'm "creating something out of nothing" just like God was creating at the beginning of the Book of Genesis in the Bible. And through building software tools I'm "gardening" this world, helping people to live better lives and achieve what they were never able to achieve without those tools.

Thus, you might find this faith-driven mindset throughout the articles of this blog. And I hope that it would light a spark of inspiration in you. A spark that would motivate you to reconsider your beliefs, too, and look deeper into yourself and into God's personality, and discover some new facets of this diamond in the process.

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